Foreign Domestic Helpers
Malaysians and expatriates are able to employ a Foreign Domestic Helper (FDH) to assist them with their daily chores.

Foreign Domestic Helpers
Expatriates, Malaysian citizens and Permanent Residence (PR) holders are eligible to employ Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDH). The Government of Malaysia has approved recruitment of FDH from the following countries:

Expatriates however have the flexibility to recruit or bring along a FDH from their country of origin.
For a FDH to be eligible for a Visit Pass (Temporary Employment), the FDH should:
- be female.
- be not less than 21 years old and not more than 45 years old.
- confirmed fit by an appointed medical centre in the country of origin and Malaysia upon arrival (FOMEMA).
- reside in the country of origin.
- enter Malaysia via the Visa With Reference (VDR) issued by the Malaysian representative office in the country of origin.
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Immigration and Mobality